This is the fourth and final thing to do to keep your teeth and gums healthy for a lifetime.
Part 4: Nutrition/Immune system support
Chronic diseases such as cavities and gum disease always start with the body out of balance. When the body is out of balance and not functioning at optimal health, two factors begin the degeneration to disease.
Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress are at the start of all chronic diseases. We now have many powerful tools to help the body stay in balance and fight this degeneration. In our office we perform a lot of patient education to help our patients take care of themselves. Some of these tools are: foods/diet, lifestyle changes, supplements, herbs, essential oils, low level lasers, energy diagnostic machines, frequency therapy devices and many more natural health therapies.
Two of the most powerful new tools are the Cavity-fighting herbal lollipops and the long-lasting Dentiva lozenges that bathe the teeth with essential oils. Both of these easy-to-use tools work to kill the bugs that cause cavities and gum disease and help keep your teeth and gums healthy for a lifetime.
We also can teach patient the healthy diet concepts of lowering sugars, flour, candy, and sodas in your daily life and increasing organic, raw foods, high arginine foods (spinach, nuts, seeds, soy and seafood).
We recommend supplementing your diet with adequate levels of Vitamin C, E, D. B6, Folic acid, CoQ10, Ca, Mg, Strontium, Omega 3 oils, herbal products and many more helpful tools to support your body.
We take a more holistic approach to supporting your own body’s balance and constantly strive to find the healthiest, easiest, and most effective ways to naturally achieve optimal balance of health in our patients.
5 comments. Leave new
I have a 21 month old sone who has already had 5 cavities filled and we were just told he has 3 more. We found out about Dr. Price recently and have been following a traditional diet now. My son is still breast feeds and we were told that nursing is causing the cavities. I was wondering what your views are on this?
These are some great questions. Thanks for taking an interest in the more natural ways to stop cavities and taking the time to breastfeed your young son.
Breastfeeding does not cause cavities. If he is getting only breast milk and you are brushing his teeth gently for him after “eating” he will never get a cavity. Breast milk is his best start to a healthy immune system and nutrition for the body, esp. his developing brain.
All cavities start with cavity causing bugs in the mouth. If you don’t have these bugs you will not get cavities. He will get his first cavity bugs from you (always the mother). The better you take care of your own mouth the better his teeth will be. An easy way to kill all the cavity bugs in a child’s mouth is with the cavity-fighting lollipops made with a Chinese licorice root extract. If he is to young for the lollipops then I would brush his teeth with some colloidal silver, every 6 months, and use the Closys toothpaste for brushing his teeth after any foods. There are also many Xylitol toothpastes on the market and one that guarantees you to be cavity-free, called Epic.
I have a blog on the website that gives the 6 best ways to be cavity-free and toothpastes at the office if you having a hard time finding a good natural toothpaste that works.
The Price-Pottenger is a great organization to help with nutrition and life-style changes to get optimal health and they just finished updating their website at .
There are many other great products to stop cavities and reverse cavities. If you are interested in more just call or write the office. I would be glad to talk with you.
Hope this gets you started. to find a nearby holistic dentist go to .
Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Lawrwence
Thank you so much for the information. We have removed ALL processed food from his diet, I ordered the lollipops and tooth and gum paste from earlier suggestions on your website and I have brushed his teeth with 500ppm colloidal silver. Do you have any suggestions on how to detoxify from lidocaine injections?
Hi Sierra,
Detoxifying lidocaine is a medical question that I refer to the many medical practitioners I know. Most of them use clays or saunas to pull chemicals out of the body. I have a few medical practitioners listed on my website’s link page that could help.
If your son is eating real food now, then his mouth is getting exposed to alot more carbohydrates that feed the bugs that cause cavities. Up until he can effectively brush his own teeth, it will be up to you to brush his teeth for him.
The 500ppm colloidal silver I used on my own son about every 6 months.
Hope this helps. write if i can help you further.
Rev. Dr. Stephen A. Lawrence
Thank you so much for your help. I wish I was closer to Carlsbad so we could come see you. Thank you again for your help, you have given us some options to help our son when other dentists have only given the option of filling the cavities once they present.